One of a kind - life changing China personalized retreat/tour 


Early June 2024  - Shanghai, eastern China tour

Sightseeing, authentic Taichi practice and Eastern China spiritual scared Mountain experiences 

( ex: Tian Tai mountain in Taizhou, Zhejiang/Mo Gan Mountain in Hangzhou, the capital city in Zhejiang)


Late June 2024  -  Mt Kailash, Tibet 

Scared walk and powerful healing rituals with advanced Daoist and Buddhist practitioners in a spiritually significant location


July 2024  -  Zhong Nan mountain,  Xi’an, China

Visit Sages in this scared area, densely populated with spiritual practitioners. Share their powerful Daoist teachings like Talismans in calligraphy and Qigong training. 


August 2024  -  Wudang mountains, Hubei, China

The place where many ancient Chinese Kung Fu styles originated. 

Meet various Daoist martial artists in real life and experience a healing adventure with proper guidance and supervision.

We welcome people from all backgrounds.

Great opportunities for anyone who would enjoy deep local China experiences and a transformative trip with competitive costs.

1-8 week retreat options (customized for you; food, transportation, training, accommodations can all be arranged)

Available dates between 5.28-9.12 2024


$2500-$16,500 depending on the length and requirements, potentially everything except flights and personal expenses

Contact Esther today by email or call 9176804066 for details and start to design your specific trip with ease!

Tai Chi Holistic Wellness Program Series

On the Upper West Side

in NYC



9 am check- in/ Shaking Qigong/breathing methods

10am Chen’s styles 18 forms breakdown

11am -1pm noon meditation/ 

1-2pm lunch break

2-3pm  Chen’s styles 18 forms breakdown 

Q&A technical details/ reflection

4pm Sun gazing 

5pm sharing and closing 

The overall workshop costs $225/day including a vegetarian lunch:), we want everyone to feel included, so donation/work trade opportunities also open.


Ten Week Pack  $1950

Ten Week Half day $1050

Single day $225 

Single Drop-in  $75 

Venmo: chenchen Mo for donation

Call:9176804066 for any questions!

🏡 Near 103rd street 1 train station - exact address upon registration

Keep warm 💕welcome to share, looking forward to see you and friends if possible!

Book with us via email

Please include what class you want to attend, and how you are paying

Payment accepted via Venmo, Paypal and Cash

Master Zhongxian Wu

Taiji Mother Form and YiJing Prediction

April 25 @ 6:30 am – April 27 @ 8:30 am Decorah

Taiji, commonly translated as “supreme ultimate,” is a Daoist concept about the force of this universal creation, and is also the name of an internal Daoist Qigong and martial arts form that is practiced for physical training, health benefits and spiritual cultivation.  The Yijing BaGua (“8 symbols”) are the building blocks of Daoist philosophy, internal martial arts and classical Chinese medicine and are used to represent the fundamental principles of the universe. 

Passed directly from the Daoist Hidden Immortal Lineage, the eight movements of the Taiji Mother Form embody the philosophy of YinYang 陰陽, WuXing 五行, and BaGua 八卦of the Yijing易經 (I Ching).  The slow, deliberate movements are precisely choreographed to create a relaxed mind-body dance that strengthens,  stretches, and awakens  the three bodies – Jing 精, Qi 氣, and Shen 神.

In this workshop, Master Wu will share:

Everyone is welcome to join this workshop. No prerequisites needed. 

Event Info